Category Archives for "Bibliophile"

Intellectual Currency


“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” –Cicero


Tower of Books in a Salem, MA, Bookstore


I have never been much of a gardener, but I am certainly an avid collector of books. I was entertained earlier this month when I saw a republication of a posting from last year on Apartment Therapy’s 20/20 Home Cure. The post was supposed to be about taming clutter, but in this list of tips for de-cluttering, the author recommends disposing of one’s books. I joined a riot of others as we lit up the Comments section of the piece. Get rid of our books because they’re clutter? What?Continue reading

Living with Books


Yesterday, my cousin shared a link on Facebook to a piece that the company she works for, Shelf Awareness, had posted regarding the possibility that surrounds books and the places that house them. It piqued my interest and was fun to mentally chew on for a bit. Bookshops, libraries, home stacks — all hold infinite potential that tether and summon a devoted reader in inexplicable ways.Continue reading

A Review:


Blood, Bones & Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton

Gabrielle Hamilton’s memoir, Blood, Bones, and Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef, was the first impulse purchase I made on my Kindle after being wooed by its free sample. I have found the Kindle samples to be invaluable as I have never been one to stand in a bookstore reading from the book I eventually end up purchasing. I buy because I’m a sucker for good cover art, a bargain, or the shop’s clever display of a title. This willy-nilly way of book buying has led to many beautiful, but not beautifully written books, ending up in the never-read section of my shelves.Continue reading



Searching the Web for jobs in the publishing industry and voraciously scouring’s “Career” page offerings has revealed a common theme. Employers are seeking candidates that know the literary landscape, are voracious readers, and have a passion for books. As I peruse these ads, my mind screams out, “That’s me! That’s me!” It has also made me ponder, when did this love of books and reading begin?Continue reading

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